Sorry this is long but just think I got a raw deal..

I want to first say this is in no way a bashing of the race track.... I thank them for stepping up and hosting the event for us die hard MOPAR guys...The track was awesome and my car was dead on all weekend. Very good race track! That being said....On Saturday I'm set to run the Purple Hemi Cuda and I'm sitting in the water box ready to go.. The track realizes that he has the bye run and back him out of the water. So I'm sitting there getting hot while I wait on the another car to fire and pull into the water box. No one told me what his dial was so I had to wait till he pulled far enough forward to see it. Needless to say, I'm a little fired up at this point, so what do I do... I go .003 red..... I go to the tower to plead my case and say because of the circumstances, i should not have to buy back to the second round and basically get told to pound sand.. It was rained out anyway so no biggie.

On Sunday My car ran 6.20's all day. I get up for the quarter finals in Super Pro. I pull into the water box and the led boards by the burnout box still show the previous runs dial. No big deal I think to myself, this place is well run so I don't need to worry about it. I do my burnout and the car is full of smoke. I open the door to try and clear it out. Still cant see down the track, so I stage the car let go of the button. The tree comes down and the car sits there...... Finally the car takes off and goes dead on with whats on my car with .008. I get my time slip and realize that they had put a 6.71 instead of a 6.21.. My responsibility I know... but still sucks. Watch the video and watch the little dial in board and when it changes.... Won 50 bucks so not a total loss. Not usually a whiner but just thought I was spoon fed a raw deal....