Hey Guys,
I have attended each one of the last three events there. I remember the HOT one, the SMOKEY one, and the RAINY one.
I don’t have a car, I do not crew for anyone, nor do I go to sell anything. In fact, I GIVE STUFF AWAY. . I go because I bleed Mopar Drag Racing. To see the cars, to look thru the swap meet, to meet and talk to other Mopar Fanatics.
This year, I have paid for a vendor space - why? Because I want a place that has shade, a place I can sit down and park my cart. A place where anyone can stop by and shoot the breeze about Mopars. I still will not have anything to sell - but I will be giving pictures away, and have extra water to share.
It will cost me three days, have to drive 500 miles round trip, and lay out about $650.00 to attend this event. And I made a donation to the track to help, in some small way, to support this event so it will be there next year. Why? Because I love this sport, the people and cars involved with it, and the History of Mopar Drag Racing.
Like Myron says, if there are some small reductions in the event - so be it - at least we have a place to enjoy the company of like minded people.
Come race, visit, sell/purchase some needed part for your project. And remember to THANK THE GUY that is putting on this show. His name is Tim Fleming.
