ive been there in April and let me say. its much Breezier..nice cool steady breeze..

this April would have been killer. we had sunny days with temps in the upper 60's at night. and full sun temps at like *77...
this would be nice..
i even remember 3 weekends in a row this april when i was out cutting the lawn and thought..
Man this would be perfect weather for the race..


fwiw..the weekend of May 14th is when the temps switched..friday was 77 no humidity..Sat stormy Rain..and from that day forward it was *88 and humid...

P.S. To Follow up on what HemiFred was saying...how would you like -500ft baro? you can get air like that at Atco..fwiw..

365" Iron J heads,,3480lbs best 1.39 60ft on SS springs.10.54,124 mph ...6.67 1/8th et.average 60fts 1.46 w/ small cam &.063 no2 pill tagged & insured