

We have recently made it a policy to show all of our Mopar restorations on this site....

Hey Tim! I actually went to your site to admire your work and was quickly taken back with what I found! For a brief moment I thought I had inadvertently logged onto MY website.

I certainly appreciate the fact that other people use our work/vehicles as a reference model but don't you think it is a bit misleading to advertise my car (as your work) on the cover page of your website? I can assure everyone here that you had absolutely no involvement with the restoration of my Challenger nor did you ever contact me and ask permission to use my (Challenger) under chassis photo. Besides the unethical aspect of what you are advertising, your customers should not be fooled into thinking that they will receive a job which is not representative of your work. Doing things like this can come back to affect you and your business in a negative way. You might want to remove my car from the homepage of your website! Thank you.

Dave Walden