I went from this ...

/6 rolling shell orginally from TX. Bought it in '97 for $1100. Listed as a "parts car"..

And made it into this in 4-5 years. I had insured for an agreed value of $18,500. I had about $21,000 in it. I did about 85% of the work myself. I didn't paint it but did ALL the prep work and I helped the guy with the install of the backhalf frame and 8pt cage..

Build what you want. You haven't said what year/style car you have??!!? As you know the '70-'71 Cuda's are a touch more desireable. When it comes to sell it, you may or may not get what you want for it then.. It's all up to you.. if it were ME again, I'd rebuild it with stock floors and a minitub along with frame connectors. It seems uncaged cars are easier to sell,imo..

My favorites on the board as of now are Chips Cuda and this one...