



I'll stick with my traditional white layer cake with whip cream and blueberry pie filling.

Blueberry ??

Nah....everyone knows Raspberry is the money berry.

Perhaps blue raspberry?

Nah raspberries are what you blow on a baby's tummy.

Like blueberrys are better? Heck....blue ? They might as well be green

They are the left-over of the berryworld.

Actually blueberries are the only thing I perfer over green. I like green money, green peppers, and green money!

As far as left overs of the berry world I would say the boisen or black berry is more left over. They are both seedy little berries.

56 Plaza 63 D100 step side 67 Coronet, 68 Roadrunner, 69 Super Bees, 69 Coronet 500 convertible, 70 Roadrunner Post, 79 D150 360, and a severe case of Mopar a,d,d