Let me first start off with - I'm a business guy. I have an Ivy League MBA and am a corporate cog for the day job, and own my own small business catering to racers (many of you are customers - thanks!!!). My goal is to provide my customers the best customer experience possible because I believe in that. I will jump through hoops with no expectation of a sale and will never leave a customer in a lurch if I can help it.

I have a lot of Indy parts in my car and, unlike some others on here, I have never had a bad experience with them. Well, in the process of restricting oil flow to my heads, one of the fittings in the Indy oiling system decided it is retiring and I need a new line. I called Indy this morning to to see if I can buy just the line. I can, for $15 plus shipping. I'm fine with that. But, then, I get told that they do not do any orders below $40!!! Their system will not even accept an order less than $40. What in the @#$%$ is THAT about?!?!?!? What a horrible practice and man that just speaks volumes as to the prioritization of the customer experience with them. Plus, if your system will not accept an order below $40, why would you offer parts (like fittings, gaskets, etc) that are substantially less than that?

I'm not bitter or angry, just really flabbergasted that a company would take this approach - afterall - it is the adding up of nickles and dimes that adds up to dollars. Compounding it is that in this economy they are turning down money because they are being greedy - just WOW!!!!!

So - now instead of me already having spent $15 plus shipping with them, I'm visiting local hydraulic businesses to get one made.

This just doesn't seem very intelligent to me.