Second round results:

Teuton, single 9.37 (Sherman apparently (Ahem) broke)

Wesctott Sr. spins but still outruns Wilkes, 8.76 to 8.77 (Charlie left first by a tenth)

Henson over Hensley 8.75 to 8.94 (Hensley had a .002 light)

Hess over Warford, 8.67 to 8.84. (Crowd loves Bucky's car epcially when he sets low et)

Pancake over Daniels 8.75 to 8.79 (best race of the day so far .003 to .010 on the tree)

Houser over Rains 8.70 to 8.76 (Another great race)

Woo over Barton 8.77 to 8.81

Westcott Jr. bye run 8.73