Actually, Jeff I am very impressed with your sportsmanship and how you can give CW credit for his amazing run after what seems like a turbulant past. That is great! Do you drive a car too? My late husband used to love taking part in all the races. I have been keeping up with reading and such, since his passing and finally feel comfortable posting on a site like this. I have no childern we tried but no such luck, being an enthusiast gives me something to do when I am not working. I am a speech therapist it keeps me busy during the school year and at the hospital in the summer months. The people here seem real nice. I am impressed with your last post and I just thought you should know I meant no offense by mine. Like I said I am impressed with your sportsmanship. Cw did make an amazing run and seems to be quite a talent. What exactly is your specialty? I bet you are a real talent in your own circle.