yes I do monitor this, cause I am bored. we dont run till thursday, and not much going on here. Like I said this can be the we hate charlie thread, It should be the we suck and are jealous thread. You have no idea how many t shirts I sold at the shootouts, I dont have to give them away, people buy them, and ask me to sign them, must be cause I suck so bad. Must be why I am the JESEL test vehicle because Dan Jesel thinks I am so stupid. Or why jerico is testing transmisions in our new car. You guys have no idea what goes on in the real racing world. we are going to go outside and do something now, If you want to call jeff has my number, I dare you to call, or better yet come to a race and see how its done. My dad said call him 517 206 0189.

Last edited by warfish; 03/14/07 09:11 AM. We are racers, not daycare providers.