Put your timing marks to where you want your initial at & put the dist in & rotate it so the vac pot has some room to be moved either way AND that the reluctor is lined up w the magnet slit & is JUST starting to move away from it(no matter where on the clock that ends up being at). The dist terminal above the rotor will be where you would start w #1 plug wire. If you do not want to pull/reroute the plug wires at the dist then move the inter shaft/slot to position the rotor where the #1 wire is currently(or where you want it to be) and the factory(#1) position of forward & slightly to the pass side works good and as before that the reluctor is now lined up(plus a hair CW, this is a SB right) and the vac can has room to be moved.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth