Originally Posted by nutso suave
I am not the cool friend with lots of money and extravagant lifestyle, but I'm really your friend.

That's how I feel. I would, and have, done just about anything to help these guys out and they completely turned on me over a misunderstood situation, and none of them wanted to hear my side of it. I found out the hard way I was more loyal to them then they were to me. Someday they'll wake up and realize what they lost.

Some really great things have come out of this though. I reconnected with an old best friend. Seems he's also had problems with fake friends and he was happy to hear from me again.

My health is so much better. Since I stopped drinking bear during the week I've lost 17lbs. Last Thursday I saw my doc and my mental health is better than ever (monitored every visit), and my health is the best it's been in 5 years. So it's worked out great for me in the end.

No longer taking $h!t from anyone!