Originally Posted by second 70
A sane man in an insane situation will appear to be the one who's insane.

This is so relevant. What they are shaming me for is absolutely insane. If they'd sit back an look at it objectively they'd realize there is absolutely no way I could have caused it. What it comes down is who they value most and I wasn't valued as much as another person.

It doesn't really matter. We've grown apart over the years anyway. These ex-friends have no other hobbies than drinking beer and their life revolves around it. Not surprisingly their rallying around a friend that owns a local brewery, who is actually responsible for the situation because he allowed it to escilate.

Since I ditched them I've stopped drinking during the week and on weekends I have greatly reduced my consumption. Not only do I feel better I've lost a lot of weight. The funny thing is they're the ones telling me I need help. LOL One even told me Sunday not to come back until I can show him I have gotten help. This after I told him I didn't want anything to do with that circle.

One of the reasons I've been happy this past month is that I'm back working in the garage, and in doing so my depression and anxiety have almost completely disappeared. This past weekend I even got to go to a swap meet with my son. Just him and I. It was awesome. Something I wouldn't have done when I was depressed.

None of it's been easy because this has been my primary circle of friends for years. Surprisingly, some friends I haven't had much contact with have stepped up to support me.

No longer taking $h!t from anyone!