I've probably lost more friends than I've made. grin I'm just that much of a polarizing kinda guy.

Sometimes, you just gotta cut people loose. The last "friend" that I told to pound sand was the kinda guy who LOVED having you over to work on his stuff and help him with his projects. But when the odd time came that *I* needed a hand, oh my goodness... it was like I asked him to loan me his wife, a tub of lube and three condoms. In the 5-6 years I hung out with this guy, he'd maybe been to my place three times, and usually only for 20 minutes.

Many times he'd make plans, so I'd clear my schedule and then he'd bail the morning we were supposed to go do something.

I was near the end of my rope when he started hitting me up for money for coffee and cigarettes. He made double what I did. He used to brag about how much money he made, and now he's hitting me up for money?

The final straw was he bought a car off me. This was a childhood car that my mom had bought new and I was having money troubles, so he figured he'd help me out and fix it up. Because he was my friend I gave him the option to "borrow" a few very valuable parts for the car, under the auspices that should he ever sell the car, I want these parts back. He agreed. (the items were nothing too special: an A-body AM/FM, Motorola under dash 8-track deck and a mint set of wire wheel covers.

Well, fast forward to the point where he comes to the stark realization of what auto restoration costs and he outright gives up on the project. So, I visit him on a Sunday, we talk a bit and I ask if I can buy the car back. He says sure, $500. I told him payday was thursday and I'd see him then with a trailer. So, I round up a friend to go collect, we pull up and my Valiant is nowhere in sight.

Where'd it go? M-F'er SOLD IT on Tuesday to some well known (in our area) mopar scrappers. Not too angered at this point I ask for my radio, tape player and wheel covers back. "Oh, they went with the car. They're gonna fix it up!" An outright lie straight to my face because the ownership papers that I'd signed over to him were still hanging on his wall. If he wasn't former army, I'd have slugged the S.O.B.
Sure 'nuff, I checked Facebook marketplace the next day, and half my parts were for sale. I did get my wheel covers back (they were going to throw them out) but they'd already sold my radio and thrown out the tape deck.

I haven't spoken to that douche since 2016. He was supposed to be my friend. But the way I see it, he not only lied to me but as far as I'm concerned, stole from me as well.

If that's what your friends were like Duffman, you don't need them in your life!

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....