One of the reasons I've been happy this past month is that I'm back working in the garage, and in doing so my depression and anxiety have almost completely disappeared. This past weekend I even got to go to a swap meet with my son. Just him and I. It was awesome. Something I wouldn't have done when I was depressed.

None of it's been easy because this has been my primary circle of friends for years. Surprisingly, some friends I haven't had much contact with have stepped up to support me.

They were not your friends but rather using you to approve their choices and lifestyle. If he does it alongside me then it's OK right ???
The friends that have recently reappeared may have distanced themselves because of your drinking and associating with the "losers". Positive people stay away from negative ones as they are toxic. twocents up

Last edited by TJP; 04/27/21 08:46 PM.