About 10 years ago, I broke contact with a guy that I've known since 1981.
We met in High School and worked at Burger King at the same time. WE had that kind of friendship that ebbed and flowed over the years. Sometimes we'd hang out, other times a month or more would go by without contact. As we both grew older, I got more content with my life while he grew more bitter. He was socially awkward...Rarely dating and as of 2011, had not married, nor had ever been really serious with a woman.
He always had a bad temper and was somewhat racist but after the 2008 recession he started getting worse. He used to start conversations out in a calm tone but would then merge off into tirades against Mexicans, Blacks and Asians as if they all conspired to make his life hell. WE both worked in Construction and here in California, there are a lot of Hispanic workers. He would walk up on a job looking for work and get pissed off when he saw Latinos on the job. He'd call me and complain about it as if I had some magic wand to cure all of his problems.
One day in 2011, as he was ranting about Mexicans, I interrupted him and politely said...."Hey, I understand the frustration but what can I do about it? Do me a favor...Call me whenever you want but lets talk about something else from now on."
He never called again and I haven't even seen him since.
He did me the favor....I'm happier for it, too.