None of it's been easy because this has been my primary circle of friends for years. Surprisingly, some friends I haven't had much contact with have stepped up to support me.

Congrats on dropping some toxic friends!

I had a very close friend in college that started getting into real estate and buying houses (early 2000s), he was making a lot of money, flying to vegas to party with his new real estate buddies, buying $5,000 barbeques, etc. I didn't trust his new friends and we kind of grew apart. Never had a falling out, just different paths in life...then the bubble bursts around 2008. He loses everything, his houses, rentals, even his job after he had a seizure from the stress. I called him up one day to catch up and he told me his story...his 'buddies' left him hanging and even tried to sue him, he had to declare bankruptcy and move into an apartment. He was humbled but he was an honest good dude and thats part of why he lost everything and his shady buddies didn't. We reconnected and he had a similar realization...i am not the cool friend with lots of money and extravagant lifestyle, but I'm really your friend. We (and another mutual college buddy) build a huge deck at his place, with a cool porch roof and suspended outdoor lighting. He bought each of us a surprise case of fancy wines and a few bottles of our favorite bourbon (Wellers!) as a thank you...I feel fortunate to have had some really great friends through the years.

My mopar buddy Larry that helped me build my Roadrunner 'sold' me more parts than I can recall for pennies on the dollar...he is one of the good guys in the hobby.