Originally Posted by ricomondo
Originally Posted by Mastershake340
Try to make it to Moparty next year in Bowling Green, KY. It’s just a little north of Nashville so it’s a good opportunity to check out the area.
I know some people who’ve moved to Nashville, and some natives. The traffic is getting bad there from everyone moving there I hear.

That's not a bad idea Brad, but don't wanna leave the car unattended while I'm out and about. We plan on taking trips down 3-4 days at a time to scout out areas.

I was partially motivated in my post to encourage you to make Moparty a can’t miss in 2021. It’s the up and coming national Mopar show!
I enjoyed checking out the Bowling Green area while I was there. I too like so many Illinois residents am eager to get out of the hopeless mess of a state, sit back on my porch in a neighboring state with a cool beverage in my hand and watch it collapse!
I don’t know much about KYs situation other than I’ve heard they have underfunded pension issues like IL, but otherwise it looked nice there where I was. Lots of car stuff there between the drag strip and Holley being there with deep pockets funding a lot of car events.
My friends who’ve fled IL to TN are happy but complain that sales taxes include services. Here in IL sales taxes are bad, but service costs are exempt so your plumber or car mechanics bill are only taxed on parts. I’m not sure if IN is like that?
Also booze is pricey in TN I’m told.
One thing I’m interested in is quality of health care in various areas of TN and KY. As one who recently got broadsided by a health issue I’ll be dealing with to some extent for the rest of my life, I don’t want to move someplace and find the nearest decent specialist is 50 miles a way.