It seems that you might have some valuable experience in the printing industry! If you ever make it to the St. Louis area, stop on by. I have personally instructed my graphic employees regarding the type of work that I expect. You might actually qualify to be an assistant for one of them! (We start our entry level graphics people at $30 an hour.)
Since you have come here to critique and play the overseer, lets focus on the big picture and do some comparisons between our actual vehicles. (Isn’t that what all of this is really about?!) I am sure that a person of your discerning ability has used their talents to factor into the “Art” of restoring a vehicle. Let me know which aspects or components of the car you wish to start with. I have photos of any area you might wish to compare. Come to think of it, the only photos presented thus far have been of my efforts. Like most commentary that is directed towards my work, all you have provided are some typed words in an attempt to substantiate whatever abilities you seem to feel you possess.
Like I said if you ever make it to Missouri, stop on by. I would be happy to let you know if you have what it takes to make the grade. Of course you might actually have to do something to show your value other than just talk about it!
One last question, where might I find the name of the company that you own and the National publications that have presented awards for your work and/or products?