I think Pro Stock is boring now. I understand how it got there but I think the end result is boring. I know that those cars have a boat load of cash and technology and R&D time in them. I understand how much work it takes to build those cars and to run them. I get it - but the end result is BORING.

I loved the class back in the days before computer controlled air shocks and all of that turned the races into a slot car contest. I know that is what they have to do to get down the track clean and fast and safe but it is to dull to watch so I just ignore it.

I used to love walking thru the pits back with Glidden and Grumpy and watch those guys working on real production based engines in cars that actually had VIN tags.

NASCAR suffered the same fate. They built so much technology into the cars that it became boring and silly. (at least to me)