Originally Posted By Al_Alguire
Well IMO the entire sport is dying a slow death. The problem as I see it is how do you get the next generation involved? Sure the Jr programs help but those are already racing families to begin with. They need to find a way to get kids who are NOT already in racing families involved too. Even in racing families I think participation of the next group is at an all time low..

The next generation (20's),and even the generation behind them (teens / kids) are heavily interested, but they are still in their infancy and are absolutely not interested in NHRA type stuff besides fuel cars for the wow factor. Go peruse the comment section of any 1320 video and the like and you'll see what I mean.

From what I gather: They love street racing / outlaw stuff, dislike LS swaps into everything, enjoy variety of cars/engines, not particularly brand loyal, don't know the difference between a wrench and a starter.

Its a start.