Originally Posted By Leon441
Brian is just a regular guy on a budget like most of us. He has a really good combination. But, struggles like everyone else when trying to be repeatable with one of these combos.

I just get pissed by the guys that say it is easy. Or even they can do it. When the fact is many of us have built or had help or bought one of these engines. Flow numbers from 390-420 and HP from 850-1000 posted. Most of us are not stupid. If you don't have the mph then you don't have the HP. Or at least when the engine is in your car the power is just not there. If you 60ft is out of shape the guess what so is your et.

Brian really posted an impressive pass. His et was great but had a great 60ft. His mph was also stought t,o there you go, HP.

Now everyone thinks Brett is the only guy who knows W8's. Well that's just BS. Many people have ran better ET's and mph over 10 years ago. The difference is Brett doesn't bend you over to help you do so. I dealt with a lot of the ground scorchers in the early 2000's. Many were pretty decent until you wanted port or intake work. Or complete engines they wanted to put you in bankruptcy. Today if doing one of these I would use Kevin Blanks for block work if he had the time and head work definitely call Brett Miller. I just can't afford the Pro Stock NHRA guys.


where did you read someone said it was easy

In the 8s N/A.with Brett miller W8's
5.07 at 133 at 2700lb