
Honest, I'm not being a smart alec. How do you account for the same motor, going from race fuel to alcohol, making more power, if the extra alcohol is taking up more room and is cutting back on the much needed oxygen?

They usually make more torque, but less HP at sea level tracks.. The idea is the more fuel you can put in an engine, the more air you get through it, and alcohol carries it's own oxygen molecule allowing better power in high altitude situations. At sea level, not so much. Also, alcohol is very consistent.

That is the main reason why I want to use it in this motor that I'm building. More consistency. Our actual elevation at the track is 2720 feet. Oh and the other reason I want to use alcohol is that it is WAY cheaper than C-16
Thank you for explaining about the alcohol carrying it's own oxygen molecule.


Cost is irrelevant, making memories is far more valuable!biggrin