All of the rockers are oriented correctly. Already checked that. I primed the oil pump and turned the crank to make sure oil was flowing to both sides through all the passages.

One thing I did notice this morning. The oil is thick, really thick almost like honey. Like to never got it to filter through the coffee filter. I noticed when I primed the pump before installing the motor that the oil was thick and kind of milky then but figured it was because of the cold temperatures. It was about 35 degrees this morning when I drained the oil and it was still just as thick. It might just be normal for the Rotella. I have never used it for break in before but read it is good. I also used Lucas break in additive. I am starting to wonder if a lighter oil with some break in additive might solve the problem. Would 10W-30 ( something other than Rotella) be too thin? I might give it a try tomorrow. Let it run a few minutes and see if it helps. Any reason this might be a bad idea?

That's King Weenie to you!