


What lifters did you end up using?

I wound up using Johnson/Hylift rollers in a short travel design. Joe Lewis is the guy to talk to there. Best lifter for the $$$ out there. J.Rob

how much plunger travel did those lifters have?

how much plunger travel did the original lifters have?

what style retaining clip were used in the Johnson style lifters?

any part number on the Johnson lifters?

since you said you used this cam in a previous build with solid lifters, i gather its a solid roller design lobe??

what lash did you run with the solid lifters?

when you had the stability issues, did you try the solid lifters before you had the Johnsons?

its interesting on the motor not liking any more cam advance than that.

1. Plunger travel on these were limited to .015"
2. Original lifters had .163" travel
3. The retaining clip is a very solid design. A picture is needed here.
4. Johnson part # was "Custom" on the box.
5. Yes it is a solid design roller lobe.
6. Solid lifters on this lobe were a tight lash design that called for .016"/.018"
7. No I did not try solid lifters first. I knew the lifters were the culprit because a successful pull to 7000rpm was made once with the full travels.
8. I was surprised too that advancing the cam did not help. Then again you can only close the valve so early before optimum cylinder filling occurs. J.Rob

2009 PHR\EMC Competitor
2010 PHR\EMC Competitor
2011 PHR\EMC Competitor
2012 PHR\EMC Competitor
2013 PHR\EMC Competitor
2014 HotRod/EMC Competitor
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