[The #1 purpose of quench is to try and eliminate a second flame front. Then do what you said, which also helps to eliminate a second flame front. Since everyone likes .040', that makes it the magic #. There is a reason why the most common head gasket thickness sold ( for wedge motors ) is .039" - and it's because most aftermarket and race engines are built with "0" deck height - or close to it. So now that you have the "magic" quench #, I hope your build is just as magic. With pistons .020 in the hole at TDC, a little magic could be in order.

That is the truth as quench helps fight having more then one flame front. Thats what causes detonation is 2 flame fronts collide and cause the knocking which is bad for the eng mechanical contition. Here is what one of the good eng books I have says..........The closeness of the cyl head to the piston and the relative coolness of these metallic surfaces cause heat to be extracted from the end gas so the tendency for detonation to occur is quenched. Knocking results when the end gas temps go to high and the end gas explodes before the flame front reaches it. Ron