

So Wayne, you are saying that there is NO extracuricular activity that anyone in the world does, just for the pure enjoyment of it. They do everything to impress others and show there junk is bigger than everybody elses.....man, you need to lighten up dude. I call BS on your opinion. There are collectors all over the world, who own priceless objects, yet nobody else ever sees them. The people own them because they enjoy them. If if was about impressing others, they would display these items.


I am lightened up and I call BS on you for not being in touch with reality .......but you probably can't appreciate what I said without going to a country and seeing a person who's sole possesions are a blanket and a mule..........and they're proud of that blanket and mule........

Well.....OK, sex, is one extracuricular activity for pure enjoyment......... but there can be a LOT of ego tied up in that too........

Those collectors buy those things to make them feel good about themselves.........and they do show their ego toys to their closest friends, who they seek respect and admiration from......They might not care what a pee-on like me thinks about their collection, so why display it to pee-ons???

Car collectors buy a car because it has a certain VIN number........If they really cared about the cars, then why care about and pay so much for 1 stupid VIN number????? Why not a clone or replica.........NOT 1 PERSON that bought a Hemi or Max Wedge car brand new EVER looked at or cared about the VIN number when buying it.........Now, that's the first thing they look at........That's 100% ego, pure and simple.........

Go through a life threatening illness and all of a sudden none of that crap means a thing anymore..........You're priorities change really fast.........

I'm not knocking anyone for wanting to pay a lot of money for a VIN number (because I've made money off those guys, to help put a roof over my head and food on my table )......I'm just saying that "succombing" to greed is not what's going on here.......

I had a buddy of mine tell me that he doesn't like it when he drives his '69 Judge to the gas station and people constantly hound him wanting to look at it.......Says he bought it for himself to enjoy..........so I said, "then why'd you spend the extra money on an orange Judge, why not a regular, dark green, GTO, or even a Lemans, that has the EXACT same motor, because they wouldn't bother you then?" (I drove the car and it was a turd, BTW).........He had no answer......... ..........kinda reminds of a story of a guy bringing a Hemi Dart to a Hemi Reunion and leaving early because people are hounding him to sell it them.........

Well, I guess the guy with the blanket and mule is an egotistical punk as well, because he should get rid of that trophy mule and walk his lazy azz around....lol.....and just because you bought something years ago and now it is worth more and you want that extra worth, has nothing to do with greed, it's called profit. Like that stack of baseball cards you found in the attic, those old coins, or whatever. If what you bought years ago, with no intent of making money on it, is now worth more and you don't capitalize, I think that would be more about stupidity than ego.
