


What do you mean by "succomb to greed"???

You're being just as greedy, if not more, by keeping a car that you do nothing with........ .......keeping the car is just stroking your ego......nothing else......

Wow, thats harsh. I don't agree with that at all. It's his car, he can do whatever he wants with it. If he wants to cut it up and make paperweights from it, that's his right. I have a lot of junk around here that I may never do anything with, but then again I might, so until I decide for sure, or I need the money, it's not for sale and can't see how that makes me greedy. Just because you own something that others feel is a piece of history, or whatever, does not mean you are required to do something with it, or display it for others enjoyment. You do whatever you want with it, you own it. And while I do understand, the worth of the car and the great sentimental value, I do agree with the Missle, "it's just a car".


Well, I guess we agree to disagree........

ANYTHING more than a roof over your head and food in you stomach is greed and/or ego.......no if's, and's, or but's..........this is just an extreme case.........and the proof is that he would want top dollar for it if he decides to sell it......If he WASN'T greedy or had a huge ego, why would he start this thread and why would it take so much for him to sell when he doesn't have near that much in it???......greed/ego.......I'm not saying that's necessarily bad or abnormal, but that's what it is.....

Contrary to what a LOT of people think, we don't own or race cars for ourselves......we do it for others..........It wouldn't be any fun to only rent the track to run your car by yourself......that'd get old real quick, no matter how fast the car was..........It wouldn't be any fun to park your car out in the backyard and have your own, 1 car, carshow every other day........It's all about people........Shooting the breeze and acting like Stewart on Saturday Night Live and saying "Look what I can do" or "Look what I got".........

The way you have to look at it is; If you were the only person on earth, would you still care as much about the car, or that VIN number?.....Even if you have fond memories of things happening with the car, you wouldn't need the car for that because you'd STILL HAVE YOUR MEMORIES and pics of the car if it was gone..........

this sounds like the mindset tought to us from our Government school system..
no Pride in ownership..
if you dont own it ...no one can take it away from you... (more like
you wont put up much of a fight when someone does..)
your falling into the mediocraty,,that socialist propogate... just like alcholism ...admitting you have this problem is the first step to recovery.
....Please!!...What's mine is mine..if I earned it, Grew it..or hunted an killed..it..
Its mine...as i see fit....period
if i decide to invite you over for a picknick..then i might share it with you..
if not...then you know where you stand..

but i digresss..

Bob...do with it ,what ever you will..
thanks for the pictures..


"i dont end a conversation by saying.. "take it easy"..or Dont work to hard this burns me up...its the socialist plot....

i say.."Work your donkey off..then pig out on/in/with ... your spoils.... "


365" Iron J heads,,3480lbs best 1.39 60ft on SS springs.10.54,124 mph ...6.67 1/8th et.average 60fts 1.46 w/ small cam &.063 no2 pill tagged & insured