
Bob, did you regret it when you sold it before? If so, do you want that feeling again.
I sold my green car two times (I didn't learn the first time). And yes, the regret doubled the second time. Both times it seemed like the thing I wanted to do.....until a week later.
I say don't do it

Vinnie,I have no regrets for saleing it the first time.Grant returned it exactly the way he got it over 20 years ago except for fresh gas.The same spark plugs and tires.Thank to Grant for taking such great care of it and not changing a thing on it.Anyone else may have destoryed the car and it's history.I had that happen to my altered wheelbase car.I heard it was sold recently for big bucks and the history has been forever clouded,the owners were trying to make it something it never was.My hat is of to Grant for taking care of the Dart and to Donny Martik and his brothers for helping bring it back home.