
What do you mean by "succomb to greed"???

You're being just as greedy, if not more, by keeping a car that you do nothing with........ .......keeping the car is just stroking your ego......nothing else......

Wow, thats harsh. I don't agree with that at all. It's his car, he can do whatever he wants with it. If he wants to cut it up and make paperweights from it, that's his right. I have a lot of junk around here that I may never do anything with, but then again I might, so until I decide for sure, or I need the money, it's not for sale and can't see how that makes me greedy. Just because you own something that others feel is a piece of history, or whatever, does not mean you are required to do something with it, or display it for others enjoyment. You do whatever you want with it, you own it. And while I do understand, the worth of the car and the great sentimental value, I do agree with the Missle, "it's just a car".
