I'm confused as to why all the bickering over the pricing........ I just looked up the 3 Chapman Stage 6 part #'s on dealerconnect.com to get the straight story.

P4876382 This is a 235 CC runner version, bare. Dealer cost is $1650 each. List price is $2475 each. Zero heads available...

P4876383 This is a 260 CC runner version, bare. Dealer cost is $2000 each. List Price is $2667 18 heads available

P4876386 This is a 285 CC runner version, bare. Dealer cost $2000 each. List price $2667 17 heads available

Now I looked up P4876819, Bare "regular" Stage 6 with chamber machining: $885 Dealer cost, $1325 list price.

Now, I don't give two S**t's about list price.... All I care about is dealer cost, and what I can realistically get the heads for. Now, alot of MP dealers around country like to sell parts at Dealer cost + 10%. If you are "tight" with a dealer parts man, you might get lucky and get 5%, and if you are friends of the owner of the dealership... no markup....

So I feel I should be able to call up virtually any big MP parts dealer tomorrow and pay no more then $2200 a pop for the big runner Chapman 6's.. and If I'm lucky with connections I can pay even less. So I don't want to hear any $6000+ figures for bare Chapman heads anymore. $4400 tops. If you are paying more than Dealer +10% on ANY MP part, SHOP AROUND.

Now I'm not trying to defend MP here, because I'm actually not pleased with them in the least at the moment but, I think perhaps some people need to look at this more logically. MP has been selling their BARE aluminum V8 heads in the $600-$900 range basically for the past I don't know, what 10 years? Whether it be BB or SB. I showed the current stage 6 bare price above.. So you can figure out ABOUT how much extra you are paying for the CNC work... PLUS take into account these are out of a small limited production casting run, that had to be special made... So lets say $850 a pop for the bare 6's dealer cost...So $1150 of that is for the CNC work? And you all find this to be an outrage? How many of you have actually called Chapman Racing Heads in the past and inquired about the pricing of some of their various CNC programs???????? I know I have.... Their stuff is not, and has never been what I'd call "cheap" However.... it is some of the best CNC development out there. What you are paying for is their R&D and tooling costs... Just like when I send them a bare set of W7's to be CNC'd.. I'm not paying $3K+ for just the effort in whittling away my heads, I'm paying for all the R&D that went into the particular program they are using. They have THREE programs for the Stage 6 MP heads... Imagine how many man hours went into developing those 3 programs? I recall MD marvelling one time about how many lines of code that must go into a full CNC porting program for a cylinder head.... I think perhaps alot of you are too "spoiled" by seeing some of the less $ CNC programs available out there today, that may or may not be near as good in port design area as the Chapman stuff on the mopar heads, and see the big volume sellers on the Brand X market that help keep those CNC prices lower. I guess what I'm getting at is that because Chapman is a newcomer to the Big Block Mopar head market, many on this board are in "sticker shock" over them.... Well I've seen a PILE of CNC Chapman W7/8/9 stuff over the past 3-4 years and know what it cost to have done when it was new.... Their programs are not cheap... and $1150 per head is right on par with what they get for their SB CNC head programs... in fact slightly LESS. I have price quotes for CNC'ing a set of new W7's and a set of 9's.... Their stage 6 stuff is not out of line. My odl 7's wer actually just over $6000 a pair for the CNC work with 3 lb. lightening program. I don't think MP is making hardly anything off of these heads like many want to believe.... Many like I said are just in "Chapman sticker shock" not knowing what Chapman's programs have cost all along.... IMO Chapman Racing heads has the best overall CNC development/ R&D program in the country, and you want to play you have to pay... If you want to pay less... go somewhere else for CNC work on particular heads, look into hand porting etc.

So I guess I'm just a little tired of all the price bashing that has gone on with these heads, and wanted to make people more aware, that it is not so much MP setting the price, it's more like they are setting it based on what they are having to pay Chapman Racing Heads for the R&D etc..

Are they worth the $ VS B1's Indy's etc.???? I could care less, they are all big block heads and as everyone knows, I have no interest in them. I'm just making a point that the cost is not as outrageous as many would like to believe. And Like I said earlier, I can't BELIEVE I just defended MP.... I must be out of my mind tonight.