


The objective of this thread ( at least as far as I am concerned )is to make the show better, not to eliminate it. I'm looking forward to participating next year, but not if I have to wait in line 3-4 hours to get in. I guess that's my "hidden Agenda". I'm actually heavily involved with my local car club as they are putting on a very large show in my town over the weekend and I happen to be in charge a good portion of it. All those that will be participating will be recieving a questionaire, allowing them to critique the show (and me for my part). Seems to me if the MATS powers to be did this the show could be improved without threads like this one - info would go directly to the right spot and keep damage control - under control. Are they even listening???

EXACTLY... Cutting in front of others thinking you're SPECIAL don't cut it with a LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE... TWO LINES.. Get in Line MOTHE******R...

DAMN, I thaught I was an angry man............ I have days and experiences in which I feel this stuff so I completely understand...........Peace.

Born and raised in Chicago.. Went through the public school system... The "get in Line Mothe******R" and " NO CUTS" are just how " we roll"... "figures of speech" if you will..... The vendors were allowed to enter the facility from 8am till NOON on Thursday... Thats THEIR TIME.. if they can't get there by 8am to NOON,,,, get a FASTER DRIVER or COORDINATE your business a LITTLE BETTER !!! 12.01 it's MY TIME.. if you want to get in on MY TIME.. you gotta get to the BACK OF THE LINE like EVERYONE ELSE DOES !!!! I don't live in Las Vegas or Sunny California or Oregon or Washington State... I had some dealing with Phil Painter.. His Brother screwed me around on a contest that I won and I went to Phil to have a "talk" with his brother.. He STRAIGHTENED the Brother RIGHT OUT !!! Phil apologised for his brother's bad behavior and sent the prize RIGHT AWAY !!!! A STRAIGHT UP GUY... Not a PROBLEM.... I think PHIL should know what the PEOPLE he hire are doing to his show... are they LVMS people or MATS people that are screwing this up????