
What was up with the lines at MATS.. a LOT OF GUYS were getting REALLY PISSED because SOMEONE was letting SOME PEOPLE go right through and others were directed to WAIT IN LINE for a BUNCH OF HOURS... WHAT GIVES WITH THAT.. I heard people REALLY PISSED off at GRANATELLI MOTOR SPORTS because he drove RIGHT IN and BYPASSED all of the lines... is he SPECIAL OR SOMETHING???? They probably had EIGHT LINES and was taking two rigs from EACH LINE.... WHO'S BRIGHT IDEA was that????? EVERY DRAGSTRIP that I've been at has TWO LINES and you get in line JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE and WAIT YOUR TURN..... Not at MATS..... ??????? People wanted to STAB GRANATELLIS TIRES....

well thet got there wish because win i was in teck some one from the granatellis got takeing way in a red and white van with pretty flashing lights on top? some said they ran over the old man with the car may be some one will have more info besides that every year is a joke getting in

In the 8s N/A.with Brett miller W8's
5.07 at 133 at 2700lb