
I agree that the people trying to get in shouldn't have been so beligerant with the parking people. But I attribute the main problem to be LVMS's lack of planning that they are famous for. I can't believe they were so understaffed and only had one parking person for the racers. I would esecially like to go again next year and hope they didn't hurt attendence with the rediculous parking situation, but if I were Phil Painter, I might be looking at another place to hold the event. PS I know RMR would like to have it.

Your right about the poor planning but i'd really hate to see it go anywhere else than Vegas, The one time a year the wives will even consider going to a race as with most of the croud of about ten Mopar racers we have. Something for all to do there and we always plan our vacation around it. Sucks because our gang really likes doing the Mopar Spacific events and all we have on our end of the world is Vegas and the Mopar magic race in Sacramento. I love racin with my Peeps but looks pretty dismal for the Mopar gang out west. We have a couple tracks out here that could support it but if you can;t get them to Vegas and support it then Where Else?

Last edited by mikeysmopars; 04/25/12 03:14 PM.

Founder and CEO of the Central Valley Mopar Drag Pack