
So I guess my perspective is just wrong. If you were not there you did not witness the behavior in the parking lot. I did...

Could they have used more staff, sure. Did they provide what was paid for, my guess is yes but that is just a guess. But after seeing some of the interaction between LVMS staff, racers and the people putting on the race I am willing to bet the promoters got what they paid for. Same question goes for track conditions etc. This event is nothing more than a private track rental for LVMS. I am quite sure the customer is receiving what they paid for.

I have raced many events at LVMS and this is the one with the most issues. we dont have them at divisional, national, PSCA, The turkey bracket race or SCSN. All of these events excpet somoe of the summer PSCA events see WAY More car count than this one does. Those all go smoothly and the difference I see is the amount of staff and the patrons attitudes. At PSCA and SCSN we have the saem person parking us, in the saem order as the Mopar race. She also does it at the Divisonal races but has one other person helping.

I'm done with this subject. Seems guys love to complain about this race in particular no matter what happens. Keep complaining, stop coming and then we wont have to worry about it anymore.

Al, I'll have to agree about the divisionals and other races. That's why I said someone needs to talk about this with the Painter people. And maybe there's not much money in it for them and they're doing it for the love of the Mopar community, but I doubt they (Painters) are making much. And maybe the LVMS thing just aggrivates me more this year than others, because it always takes the so long to get out a schedule and they just don't seem to care about our time and money. I'll admit, my percption could be all wrong but, it's mine. It's the same issue I have with the NHRA. They act like we work for them instead of the other way around.
So....two things....how did the Siepels treat people at Infineon? Oh...and your parts are on the way and thanks for the help.