
WOW did you miss the point. The reason it went so slow is becuase as usual people cannot follow RULES, plain and simple. Had they stayed in line and proceeded in an orderly fashion it would have not taken so long. Were you aware they started loading peopel in early? Were you aware they wqere not loading at all til noon on Thursday? There were people whpo had showed up on Thursday night who were in line t and forced to sit and wait do to the actions of others. The MOB who refused to follow the rules.

Were you there? I was, I witnessed all the dumbsh&%s in line. Not following directions from the security people trying to direct traffic. People driving around them, around other rigs, straight in from the street, yelling at everyone feeling priveledged etc etc. I was there and witnessed it all, I was one of the first folks in the facility. It ws a nice orderly procession UNTIL my second attempt. By that time it was becoming a mob rule mentality, and people decided to NOT listen to direction, or show any sort of common courtesy or human decency. Yelling and threatening security folks and basically doing whatever they wanted. On my third trip in it was back to a nice orderly procession. I went to the back ogf a line, the moved a few cars from each line in and it was smooth and took a toal of 25 minutes for me to get in. Unlike the second attempt.

Perhaps had you been there observing what was transpiring you may understand. It has nothing to do with where I live., or how many cars I brought in. I did not feel privilegded or entitiled. I waited paitently each time and did as instructed. All the while watching all the other a holes who decided they were more important than the rest of the people there.

So in my mind MOST of the issue was the racers. Or better said small minority of them who refuse to flow direction and feel they are better than the rest of us who waited patiently to gain entry.

But what do I know I was just there and pretty sure I saw much more of what went on than anyone else who was

No, I didn't make it this year ( thankfully ). I was there last year and there was no problem getting in. Assume the majority of racers were the same ones that were there this year. What happened - - did they all grow attitudes? Blaming the racers for the tracks issues is BS!! Sounds like the major problem ( as usual ) was a lack of communication. Just talked to a vendor who was directed to wait in line with the entraints. Then he saw other vendors already in the pits setting up their booths. When he asked about it, they said he could come right in and didn't have to wait in line with the racers. No, I didn't miss any points, and congratulations on not feeling privliged or intitled. I never said you did. When you piss enough people off, you get a mob - what it is!!! I'm sure they didn't show up as a mob. Sorry, but you are wrong to blame the racers for what transpired - IMHO!!!!!

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