When I was 18 I was rolling my '65 off of the trailer while it was connected to my dad's van, or so I thought it was connected. made it about half way when the trailer tongue shot up, I then slammed the breaks, as the trailer tonque smashed into the back doors of the van, all I could do was keep rolling it back and wait to apologize to my dad, he was pretty understanding, never did fix it. Oh yeah, one time I was racing my mom's LeBaron in Street at Byron when I accidently deep staged, as I was backing up I looked up and the starter had already started the tree, so I stopped and on the last yellow I stomped on it, and almost bounced my head off the dash as I was still in reverse, I then put it in drive, and all I could do was hope the other guy readlighted. he didn't. :spank

Taking over the World one win light at a time.