Inveited a friend over after school and thought it would be cool if i cooked some french fries for us to eat. waiting for the oil to boil on the top burner i went outside to play with my dogs for a few miutes. When I came back inside there was a fire and smoke everywere, I panicked and reached for one of those squirter, built into the sink and sprayed the fire with water. Do my surprise it just flared up. Then I really panicked I grabed the pot of fire with my hands and got burned so i took my shirt off wrapped it around my hands and began to run outside with it. Every so many feet boiling oil would splatter on me and I would put the pot down temporaily. Besides melting off all the knobs on the oven above and turing the ceiling black I burned a cirlce in the counter top(also burning cabnets above black), and at 2 places in the linoleum floor. I made it outside and dumped the oil in the driveway (luckily the flames went out right away) I had scars on my arms for the next 2-3 years