
its go time. we were also doing a little smoking to keep from being bored.
I push button 1 . nothing for a minute we start toward yard. KABOOM! 1,KABOOM!2 1KABOOM!3 1KABOOM! 4 so on the entire yard was engulfed in a fireball of bright green and silver from the chlorine and mag. wood and dirt flying everywhere. and all the alum siding and windows blown off the back of his house and most of the neighbors.
the dock was totally gone as was most of the dirt from under it and it blocked 1/2 the canal and covered boats from the other side of the canal.

wood was floting everywhere and loads of dead fish from the shrapnell.
the fireball died down and the house trim was burning we hosed it down and it went out.
total toast was the theme of that day
and 2 of us ended up with pieces of steel embedded in us for many years afterand oh yea the neighbors poodle somehow was blown across the canal and on the otherside unharmed but all black and dirty.
this is just a generalization it looked like the end of the world back there.
The police bomb special taskforce came and interview each of us and wanted to know who was teaching us these tactics went on for 4 hrs .
boy oh boy were we punished. I was grounded for 4 months confined to the house for the summer also.
of courese we coutinued right where we left off with after school shows every week.
ps his dad spent 5k to fix up everything

GregYou and I woud have had the time of our lifes If we grew up togerther ..........If not somes SERIOUS JAIL Time.