1) The single most stupid thing I have ever done was to punch a wall and break my one and only hand, while in high school. I told my father that I hurt it during a wrestling match. The story was working until the Dr. came out and told us it was a classic boxers break.

2)I was climbing in a tree cutting branches out of it with a bow saw. I got used to using the same branches to move around the tree. I only feel 10 feet after grabbing one I just cut.

3) I took one of those disposable flash cameras apart to look inside. I was poking around and touched the leads to the flash capacitor(sp) The wife heard the crack all the way across the house. Ouch.

4) Not me, but I watch my father heat up an exhaust manifold with a Acetelyne(sp) torch trying to remove a busted stud. He set the torch down and grabbed the manifold with his bare hand. I couldn't understand how he could be that stupid. Until I "forgot", After working around really hot things you can forget/take for granted, that they're hot.

best of 11.24 at 119 mph 1.60 60’. 68 340 S Barracuda Fastback F.A.S.T [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/2mnnnnt.jpg[/IMG]