I did a really idiotic stunt with my first car. Back in 1976 I had a 69 GTO, so on the way from High School one day with the car packed with friends, I got air borne after jumping the crest of a pretty steep hill just a few blocks away from where I live now. I shot up the hill and launched the GTO into the air as best as I could. The car landed pretty hard and blew a front tire. As I was sliding pretty much out of control I was nearing a VW micro van. I ended up sideways to the van without hitting either vehicle. The van had a stoned out hippie in it, as he just rolled down the window as gave me the Peace sign. Needless to say I drove out of there with the flat before the cops came. That was my only attempt at being a stunt driver. Now you know why I have been hanging garage doors for the last 26 years.