I love these posts...well not really...lot's of opinions and hot air, little fact.

Why you would anything other than Passon lube in a 4 speed is beyond me. The year is 2011 NOT 1971!.

Lubricants have come a long ways since 1970. I don't care how many miles so in so ran a 4 speed on atf. It does not matter here or anywhere.

I drove a 4speed car 100,000 miles with all sorts of lubes in it. Anyone else have real data beside me or Jamie Passon??

The only lube that works properly is made by Passon Performance. I have torture tested many lubricants running hot laps the road course for 20 plus years. Most of those other lubes did not help the life or reliability of the 4 speed.
Heat, vibration, leaks, shifter rattle...