Steve, sixbbl69

Steve, thanks for your help.

All I'm asking 'original engine' owners to post is:

vin number
line sequence number
Engine Assembly Date (EAD) - if orginal motor -

or in your case (and dannys) trans date code - if original


The vin is on your fender tag as is the line sequence.

Vin starts with the first 4 digits on the bottom left line (example: WM23) and ends with the last 8 digits on the top right line (example: 9A290930). Insert the 'M' between the two groups for the full 13 digit vin.

The line sequence is also on the top line of the fender tag. It's the middle 6 digit number (example: 293862) just after the first 5 digits.

The trans date is on a machined pad on the right forward side of the transmission. There are 4 numbers which are part of the 10,000 day calendar (see attached).



Thanks for the input and help....and here I thought you disliked date coding clarification!

No problem! I'm impressed and appreciate your opinion regardless of which side of the fence we find ourselves. Whether we agree or disagree is irrelavent. What's important is that in the process of conversing, we both learn.

Please continue to offer up help and info on date coding. It helps prevent that guy who bought a wrecked- motorless car, a few years, ago-- from turning it into a 40K 'numbers matching' fraud.

Information is valuable. Thanks for your help.

BTW- It sounds like from your posts that you had an A12 car at one time but now no longer have it? Or do you have one now? I can't tell. Sometimes I misread the thoughts and intentions of posters.

Best regards,

Link to Slideshow...turn the music up. ...So when does government's A12 welfare start?..