


and yes i am in shape, go to the gym religiously, although it seems almost impossible for me to lose weight (not that I want to though, then i'll look like a scronny beach model guy )

Hah! No kidding. Real men go to the gym to gain weight. I'm up 50lbs since the last time i raced my car, and i'm a HUGE weight-reduction junkie.... OUCH.

Thats a damn nice looking car, and i'll also suggest you dont hack it, but there is a lot you can just unbolt in these cars, a lot more than people think. I wont go into all the fun ways to diet a car, i wrote an article about that in the last weight reduction thread i saw. I'd link it, but i forget what the title was...

Also, if you are really obsessed with weight, and if you haven't built/installed the Dana 60 yet, consider a Ford 8.8". Those things weigh (from what i've been told) slightly less than an 8 3/4", are quite a bit stronger, WAY cheaper and easy to find and in a plethora ov sizes/shapes/configurations and are fairly easy to squeeze in there if you have any fabrication skills. That would solve your problem, save you 50lbs, and save you a lot ov money.

Im genetically puny, so ive made it my goal that as long as my chest sticks out past my stomach, im a happy man! LOL

Ive tried searching on here for all the different weight reduction threads, but I never saw any of your replies...if you ever find the thread, please link it to me, I would really appreciate it!

The only reason ive gone Dana is not because I want to, but because I kinda had too. Breaking the 8-3/4 twice in one year with my car being a smallblock stick car made me say screw it, im just going to spend money on the dana. Sold the 8-3/4 to someone for pretty good coin too, so im not really out much on building the Dana sure it might be heavier, but at least i know i SHOULDN'T break it LOL

Heh... it was a while back. I come and go in periods ov posting and not posting. I've been back here for a while now, but that post was from before. Last year maybe? I forget.

Though my chassis guy says they are supposedly around the same strength, i've seen and heard ov lots ov racers breaking 8 3/4", but when do you ever hear ov broken 8.8's...??? The Mustang guys abuse the hell outta those things... not to mention they've come stock in MANY badass Ford rides. Again, not Mopar, but light, strong and cheap. To me, the only negative is that they're just ugly... haha