

and yes i am in shape, go to the gym religiously, although it seems almost impossible for me to lose weight (not that I want to though, then i'll look like a scronny beach model guy )

Hah! No kidding. Real men go to the gym to gain weight. I'm up 50lbs since the last time i raced my car, and i'm a HUGE weight-reduction junkie.... OUCH.

Thats a damn nice looking car, and i'll also suggest you dont hack it, but there is a lot you can just unbolt in these cars, a lot more than people think. I wont go into all the fun ways to diet a car, i wrote an article about that in the last weight reduction thread i saw. I'd link it, but i forget what the title was...

Also, if you are really obsessed with weight, and if you haven't built/installed the Dana 60 yet, consider a Ford 8.8". Those things weigh (from what i've been told) slightly less than an 8 3/4", are quite a bit stronger, WAY cheaper and easy to find and in a plethora ov sizes/shapes/configurations and are fairly easy to squeeze in there if you have any fabrication skills. That would solve your problem, save you 50lbs, and save you a lot ov money.

Im genetically puny, so ive made it my goal that as long as my chest sticks out past my stomach, im a happy man! LOL

Ive tried searching on here for all the different weight reduction threads, but I never saw any of your replies...if you ever find the thread, please link it to me, I would really appreciate it!

The only reason ive gone Dana is not because I want to, but because I kinda had too. Breaking the 8-3/4 twice in one year with my car being a smallblock stick car made me say screw it, im just going to spend money on the dana. Sold the 8-3/4 to someone for pretty good coin too, so im not really out much on building the Dana sure it might be heavier, but at least i know i SHOULDN'T break it LOL