Here's one I haven't read here. DO NOT do your burnout with a car sitting on the starting line. Most times the guy in the water box will signal you, but sometimes there won't be anyone there. My son used to run the tree at the local track here on Long Island. The owner was too cheap to hire a water box guy, so my son had to be the policeman. Some guy did a burnout with the two cars still on the line. My son walked over to him and had him shut it off. He respectfully reminded the guy, who was an experienced racer, not to do that anymore. Needless to say, the guy was not apologetic. He resented my 23 year old son telling HIM how to behave. There was also a group of street racers there with a $hit box T-bird with a heavily sprayed BB Chev. in it. They gave him a HARD time when he was tech'ing their car. REALLY threatening! The first time down the track the car got out of shape and crossed over into the other lane. The A-Hole got back on it and continued the run in the wrong lane. When admonished for doing this (not kicked out mind you) he said "WTF are you talking about? I went straight down the track! The owner, as I said, was too cheap to hire any security and wuold never turn anybody's entrance fee down. I wasn't too happy that my son had to put up with this Bull$hit, I can tell you.