Good points above.

ASk questions. Drag racers for the most part are very friendly folks. If you are not sure about something ask. After all we were all newbies at one time.

Watch the cars stage. Try to get a feel for where the pre stage and stage beams are.

My biggest pet peave is courtesy staging. What this means is do not rush in and light both your pre stage and stage bulbs before your opponent has pre staged. Wait until both pre stage bulbs have been lit before you pull in to stage. If the auto start system is on(does not happen much at most tracks)you have seven seconds before 3 of the bulbs are lit until the tree starts. Some feel if you light both bulbs before they prestage that you are trying to gain an unfair advantage on them by making them hurry. I dont feel this way personally. If it happens to me I make them wait even longer before I pre stage. Besides it is called Courtesy Staging for a reason

Be aware of where the finsh line is and where the return roads are and stay in your lane in the shut down area! In other words if you are in the left lane racing and the return road is on the right side the person in the right lane has the right of way. One of my only on track iincidents happened this way. I was in the right lane and was first to the finish line by over 1.5 seocnds. While slowing down in the shutdown area the other guy in the left lane continued to run under power in the shut down area. He cut in front of me to make the second return road and it was all I coudl do to avoid hitting him and ended up in the grass. Still not sure what his problem was. Just pay attention and know where things are at all times.

Also pay attention in the pits. Dont block someones car in or block a trailer. Watch for people on thier pit bikes, scooters etc, because they dont watch out for you. I wish folks walking and riding in the pits did but fact is they dont.

Go have fun, and dont be afraid to ask questions....Al

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"