Real good valid points from all! Let's not forget about NOT leaving the cars in the staging lanes and wandering off to talk w/friends or check out something else, (jamming up the lanes when the staging director's trying to keep things moving smoothly) or blocking the staging lanes with ones pals in that ever-present 'Bull-Session', that can be addressed from another place, preferably out of the way! One note to the 'experienced' racers...try to remember the early days when we ALL made mistakes (like we don't do these things anymore?!), be patient and helpful to the new folks, they need it, as we STILL do ourselves! Have a great time...*varoom*

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

Freedom must be repurchased by every new generation
General Daniel Jones, WW2 Tuskegee Airmen