I'd really like to see some real world testing of this. I mean, how long have these fuel injection set ups been on the market now and I have yet to see any one of the major Mopar magazines do a real complete in depth install "&" test. Seems like when they do any sort of article it is generic and only covers the the basic install or reasons why fuel injection itself is a good thing. I want someone to really test these kits out. Do a full blown several month test on them. Install, tuning, performance, head ache factor and real results. I want to see the Eddy set up, a FAST system, and maybe a couple others. I just read the retrotek article, but it basically missed out on how it truely performed. They said they had bugs but no real detail about what they were and how they needed to be resolved. I badly want fuel injection, but honestly at this point many on here have just convinced me it is either too above my head, my price range, and put too many doubts into my noggin about what I thought I really wanted.