
running out of gas it goes lean and can back fire

did you get gas in it and get ti running again yet??

might want to check and see if it jumped time if it wont run now

is that the car in your sig??


unfortunately after i pushed it to my house my sister left the keys in the ignition with the car on and killed the brand spankin new battery. I'm waiting fro my mom to come home so we can drag a few tanks to the gas station and hopefully jump it right up.

Will i be able to hear the timing if it changed at all?

yah thats her picked it up from a guy in Orlando off craigslist for 1300 sweet deal up until Monday. i had known about the carb issues prior to purchasing and the turn signals were just something i thought i'd have some fun with.

Trying to find some OE seats but not too many late models around with a console, after i get my grants it's off to the paint shop she goes, trying to get everything situated until then.